Liam Costner Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Relationships, Bio/Wiki and Family 2024

Liam Costner

Liam Costner, born on November 15, 1996, may have a famous Hollywood father, but he has carved out his own unique path in life. At just 28 years old, you may not have heard of him yet, but you will soon.

With a net worth estimated at over  $800 Million, Liam is making a name for himself in the real estate market. But it’s not just his success in business that sets him apart – it’s also his down-to-earth attitude and focus on family.

Who is Liam Costner?

Liam Costner is a special person with a very famous dad named Kevin Costner, who acts in movies. Liam was born on a chilly fall day, November 15, 1996. Unlike his dad, he doesn’t make movies but has a cool job in real estate, which means he helps people find houses.

Liam has a big family but chose a different path for his work, showing that you can be successful in your own way, no matter where you come from. He shows us it’s okay to follow our dreams, even if they are different from our family’s.

Liam Costner


Full Name Liam Costner
Gender Male
Date of Birth 15 November 1996
Age 28 years old (as of February 2024)
Zodiac Sign Scorpio
Place of Birth Los Angeles, California, United States
Current Residence Los Angeles, California, United States
Nationality American
Ethnicity White
Religion Christianity
Sexuality Straight
Height (feet) 5’8″
Height (centimeters) 173
Weight (pounds) 137
Weight (kilograms) 62
Hair Colour Blonde
Eye Colour Blue
Father Kevin Michael Costner
Mother Bridget Rooney
Siblings 6
Relationship Status Single
Profession Real Estate Agent

Early life and Eaduction

Liam Costner grew up with a very famous dad, but he also had a normal part of life like going to school. He was born when the leaves change colors and fall from the trees. As a little boy, Liam learned lots of things, not just at home but also in school where he made friends and played like other kids.

He worked hard in his classes and found out what he loved to do. School helped Liam learn how to be good at talking to people and solving problems, which are big helps in his job today. School was a place where Liam started to dream about his future.

Liam Costner

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Liam Costner Parents and Siblings

Liam’s dad is Kevin Costner, a famous actor in movies. His mom’s name is Bridget Rooney. They are special because they are Liam’s parents. Liam also has brothers and sisters, making his family big and full of love.

They all have different moms, but Kevin Costner is their dad, which makes them siblings. Liam’s family shows us how families can be different and still be full of happiness and care for each other. Having brothers and sisters means you have friends to play with and learn from, which is really nice.

Liam Costner

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Liam Costner is not married yet, so he doesn’t have a wife. He also keeps his life very private, which means he doesn’t talk much about who he is dating. Just like some people like to keep their favorite toys a secret, Liam likes to keep his personal life a secret too.

It’s important to remember that everyone gets to decide how much they want to share about themselves. So, for now, there’s no news about a girlfriend in Liam’s life, but that’s okay. It’s just like when you’re not ready to share your secret hideout spot with friends.

Liam Costner Childern

Liam Costner doesn’t have any children right now. Just like when you have toys but decide you’re not ready to share them, Liam feels he’s not ready to have kids yet. Everyone’s life is like a book; Liam’s story is still at the beginning, and there are many pages left to fill.

So, there’s plenty of time for him to think about having a family in the future. Just like in a game where you plan your next move, Liam is thinking about his next steps.

Liam Costner Age, height, weight, And physical Appearance 2024

In 2024, Liam Costner will be turning 28 years old because he was born in 1996. People often wonder how tall he is or how much he weighs, but just like the colors of a rainbow, everyone’s different and that’s okay. Her Height is 5 feet 8 inches and Weight is 62kg.

Liam keeps details like his height and weight private, just like you might keep a special drawing safe. What we do know is that he has a smile that can light up a room and he carries himself with confidence. Whether he’s wearing a suit for work or casual clothes for a day out, Liam always looks ready for his next adventure.

Befor fame

Before Liam Costner became known for his work, he was a little boy with big dreams. Just like how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, Liam was growing and learning every day. He loved to play, explore, and find out new things about the world.

Even though his dad was a movie star, Liam found his own interests. He didn’t want to act in movies; instead, he wanted to help people find homes. This dream didn’t happen overnight. It started with small steps, like when you build a tower with blocks, one piece at a time.

Liam Costner Career

Liam Costner picked a different path from his movie star dad. Instead of acting, he chose to work in real estate. Real estate means he helps people find homes where they can make memories. Liam loves his job because he gets to solve puzzles, like matching the perfect house with the right family.

It’s kind of like playing a big game of matching shapes, but with houses and people. He works hard, talks to lots of people, and learns about different kinds of homes. Helping people in this way makes Liam happy and proud of the work he does every day.

Net Worth 2024

Liam Costner has done really well in his job, which is about helping people find homes. Because he is so good at his job, he has saved up a lot of money. People think Liam has more than  $800 Million! That’s like having a huge mountain of toy blocks.

Imagine how many toys or how much candy that could buy! But Liam uses his money for grown-up things, like taking care of his house or saving it for later. Even though he has a lot of money, he works every day just like a superhero in his own kind of adventure.

Liam Costner future plans and Projects

Liam Costner dreams big for the future! Just like a superhero planning their next mission, Liam thinks about what fun projects he can do next in real estate. He wants to help even more families find their perfect homes.

Imagine him like a detective, searching for the best places where people can laugh, play, and make happy memories. Liam also thinks about learning new things that can help him be even better at his job. Every day is a chance for a new adventure, and Liam is excited to see where his journey takes him next!

The Unconventional Path of Liam Costner

Liam Costner decided not to follow his dad into movie making. Instead, he found his own special path in helping people find homes. This is different because not many kids of movie stars choose real estate.

Liam’s choice shows us it’s cool to be unique and follow what we love to do, even if it’s not what others expect. His adventure in real estate is like exploring a new world where every home is a treasure waiting to be discovered. Liam’s story teaches us that it’s great to dream big and choose our own path.

Liam Costner’s Ventures in Real Estate

Liam Costner loves playing a big game of matching houses with families. In his real estate adventures, he searches for the perfect homes where kids can have their own rooms to play in and parents can cook yummy dinners.

Think of him like a treasure hunter, but instead of gold, he finds cozy living rooms and big backyards for families. Liam talks to lots of people, listens to their dreams about their ideal home, and then uses his magic map of houses to find the perfect spot for them. Every day, he gets to help start new stories in new homes.

Liam Costner Hobbies

  • Playing sports: Liam loves to run, jump, and play different sports. He enjoys being active and spending time outdoors, whether it’s kicking a soccer ball or throwing a football with friends.
  • Reading books: Just like how we enjoy stories before bedtime, Liam loves to read. He finds adventures in the pages of books, traveling to faraway lands without leaving his home.
  • Hiking and exploring nature: Liam often goes on hikes, exploring forests and mountains. He loves to see animals in their homes and learn about different plants.
  • Photography: With his camera, Liam captures moments that are special to him. He takes pictures of beautiful places he visits, his friends, and family gatherings.
  • Cooking: Liam likes to try making new foods. Sometimes, he cooks dinner for his family or bakes cookies just for fun. Cooking is like a science experiment where you mix things together to create something delicious.
  • Playing musical instruments: Liam enjoys making music. He might play the guitar or piano, creating melodies that make him and others smile.
  • Building models: Whether it’s airplanes, cars, or buildings, Liam likes to put together models. This hobby requires patience and attention to detail, just like when we carefully build a tower of blocks.

Liam Costner Favrioute Things

  • **Playing with Dogs**: Liam loves dogs a lot! He enjoys playing fetch with them and just spending time cuddling. Dogs make him super happy.
  • **Eating Pizza**: Who doesn’t love pizza? Liam is a big fan of cheesy, delicious pizza. Sometimes, he even tries to make his own at home.
  • **Watching Cartoons**: Even though he’s grown up, Liam still enjoys watching cartoons. They make him laugh and remind him of being a kid.
  • **Swimming in the Ocean**: Liam loves the water. Swimming in the ocean is one of his favorite things to do, especially on a hot day.
  • **Riding Bikes**: Going for bike rides is something Liam enjoys. He likes feeling the wind as he rides through parks or around his neighborhood.
  • **Playing Video Games**: Liam likes to play video games with his friends. It’s a fun way for him to relax and have a good time.
  • **Drawing and Painting**: Liam is also creative. He enjoys drawing and painting, creating colorful pictures of places he’s visited or imagined.

Intresting facts about Liam Costner

  • Liam loves nature: He enjoys spending time outdoors, especially in forests and mountains where he can see different kinds of animals and plants.
  • Big family: Liam has lots of brothers and sisters, making his family gatherings fun and full of laughter.
  • Unique career choice: Unlike his dad who is a famous movie star, Liam chose to work in real estate, helping families find their dream homes.
  • Private person: Liam likes to keep details about his personal life to himself, which means he doesn’t share much about who he’s dating or his private hobbies.
  • Hard worker: Even though Liam comes from a famous family, he works hard in his job in real estate, showing that success comes from effort and dedication.
  • Loves dogs: Playing with dogs is one of Liam’s favorite things to do. He enjoys their company and playing fetch with them.
  • Adventure seeker: Liam loves going on adventures, whether it’s through reading books, hiking in nature, or finding the perfect home for a family.


How old is Liam Costner?*

* Liam Costner was born in 1996, so you can figure out how old he is by counting up from that year to now, just like when you use your fingers to count how many cookies are left in the jar.

Does Liam Costner act in movies like his dad?*

* Nope, Liam Costner decided to work with houses instead of being in movies. It’s like choosing to play soccer instead of basketball because you like it more.

Who is Liam’s dad?*

* Liam’s dad is Kevin Costner, who is very famous for acting in movies. It’s like having a superhero for a dad!

Is Liam Costner married?*

* Right now, Liam isn’t married. He likes to keep things about his heart private, kind of like keeping a secret treasure map that leads to hidden treasures.

What does Liam Costner do for fun?*

* We don’t know everything Liam likes to do for fun, but just like you, he probably has hobbies and favorite things to do when he’s not working. Remember, it’s fun to learn about others, but everyone, even Liam, has secrets or private things they might not share, which is perfectly okay!


In our adventure learning about Liam Costner, we discovered that he is a very interesting person with a big heart for houses and helping families. Even though his dad is a famous movie star, Liam chose a different path, showing us that it’s cool to be yourself and follow your dreams. Just like in a storybook, Liam teaches us that everyone’s story is unique and full of surprises.

He doesn’t act in movies, but instead, plays a real-life game of matching people with their perfect homes, making him a superhero in the real estate world. It’s important to remember that being true to what you love is the key to happiness, just like Liam.

And who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll find your special path just like Liam did, proving that it’s okay to be different and chase after what makes you smile. Liam’s journey shows us that every day is a new page in our own storybook, waiting to be written with adventures and dreams.


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