Odiseas Georgiadis Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Relationships, Bio/Wiki and Family 2024

Odiseas Georgiadis

Odiseas Georgiadis The show’s first episode premiered on September 21, 1996, and he has gained a lot of success and fame. His full birth name is Odysseus Gregory Georgiadis, and he is known for his charming personality and talent.

In addition to his acting career, Odiseas has a solid social media presence, with a large following on Instagram. He continues to work on various projects and will have a bright future.

Who is Odiseas Georgiadis?

Odiseas Georgiadis is a talented person. He was born on September 21, 1996, which makes him 28 years old. Odiseas isn’t just good at one thing; he’s good at a lot! He is an actor and pretends to be different characters in TV shows or movies.

He’s also a singer and songwriter, so he can make up songs and sing them too! And if that’s not enough, he’s a model and famous on Instagram.

Odiseas was born far away in a country called Ghana, but he grew up in a place in America called Brooklyn, New York. You might have seen him on a TV show called “Trinkets” on Netflix, where he plays a character named Noah Simos.

Odiseas Georgiadis


Full name at birth Odiseas Georgiadis
Nickname Odiseas Georgiadis
Profession Actor, singer, songwriter, and Instagram personality.
Age (as of 1996) 28 years
Date of Birth (DOB), Birthday September 21, 1996
Birthplace/Hometown Ghanaian (but raised in Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
Nationality Ghanaian/American
Famous for His role as Noah Simos in the Netflix series “Trinkets”
star sign (zodiac sign) Virgo
ethnicity Afro-American
Religion Christendom
At home Brooklyn, New York, United States

Early Life and Education

When Odiseas Georgiadis was a tiny baby, he was born in a beautiful place called Ghana. But he moved to Brooklyn, New York, in America when he grew up. This is where he learned many things and made lots of friends.

He went to school just like any other kid and really liked it! He discovered a unique talent for acting, singing, and writing songs. As a kid, he also loved playing make-believe games where he could be different characters.

This is probably why he’s such a great actor today. He also liked to dress up and pose, which made him an excellent model. Growing up in Brooklyn was a lot of fun for Odiseas!

Odiseas Georgiadis

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Odiseas Georgiadis’s Parents and Siblings

Odiseas Georgiadis has a family that loves him very much! His mom and dad come from a faraway place called Ghana, which is in Africa. They moved to Brooklyn, New York, before Odiseas was born. This is where they had their remarkable son, Odiseas.

They have always supported his dreams of becoming an actor, singer, songwriter, and model. Odiseas also has siblings. He has brothers or sisters to play with and share his dreams.

They’re like his best friends at home! His family is very proud of everything he has achieved. Like any other family, they love spending time together, having fun, and supporting each other.


Odiseas Georgiadis is too busy acting, singing, songwriting, and modeling to have a girlfriend or a wife. He is very focused on his dreams and goals. But when the right person comes along, he will make time for love.

Sometimes, he might be seen with friends who are girls, but he’s not said anything about having a girlfriend yet. So, for now, his heart belongs to his work and fans. But who knows, he’ll share some exciting news about love with us one day. Let’s wait and see!

Odiseas Georgiadis Children

Right now, Odiseas Georgiadis doesn’t have any children. He is very busy with his work in acting, singing, writing songs, and modeling. One day, when he’s ready, he will start a family. But for now, he’s like a big kid, doing everything he loves and chasing his dreams.

And guess what? Kids worldwide love watching him on TV and listening to his songs! They see him as a big brother who is super cool and talented. So, even though Odiseas doesn’t have children of his own, he is loved by many children worldwide.

Odiseas Georgiadis Age, height, weight, And physical appearance 2024

Odiseas Georgiadis is 28 years old, which means he was born on September 21, 1996. Wow, that’s quite a long time ago. His Height is 5 feet 6 inches, Weight is 65 kg. and his height is just like a basketball player! He must have to duck when he goes through doors.

Odiseas spends much time staying in shape for his acting and modeling jobs.He has fantastic, curly hair that’s fun and bouncy! He has brown skin and beautiful bright eyes that shine when he smiles.

Before fame

Before Odiseas Georgiadis became famous, he was a regular Brooklyn, New York kid. He enjoyed playing with his friends and going to school like other kids his age. One of his favorite things was playing make-believe games, where he could pretend to be different characters.

He loved singing and making up songs, which he would often perform for his family and friends. Odiseas also enjoyed dressing up and striking poses, which later helped him in his modeling career. Although he was just a kid, he always had big dreams.

He knew he wanted to be an actor and a singer and worked hard to make those dreams come true. His journey to fame was challenging, but he could make it happen with hard work and dedication. He always remembers where he came from and uses his past as a stepping stone to his future success.

Odiseas Georgiadis career

Odiseas Georgiadis is super talented! His career started when he became an actor. Acting is like playing pretend, but you do it in front of a camera for a TV show or a movie. Cool, right? He acted in a show called “Trinkets” on Netflix, where he played a guy named Noah Simos.

People loved him in that show! But he didn’t stop there. He also loves to sing and write songs. That’s another part of his career! Sometimes, he shares his songs with his fans on Instagram. And guess what? He’s a model, too.

He takes fantastic pictures where he gets to wear cool clothes and show off his style. His career keeps getting bigger and better. He’s like a superhero who can do many things. Isn’t that awesome?

Net Worth 2024

Odiseas Georgiadis makes money from his jobs as an actor, singer, songwriter, and model. You might be wondering, Odiseas’s net worth is $300k USD.  That’s called his net worth. Like a pirate’s treasure chest, it’s the total of all the money he’s made from his hard work.

His exact net worth has yet to be discovered because it’s a secret. But since he’s very talented and famous, we can guess he’s doing well! He uses his earnings to care for himself and his family and make more music and shows for us to enjoy.

Odiseas Georgiadis’s Plans and Projects

Guess what? Odiseas Georgiadis has big plans for the future! He loves being an actor, singer, songwriter, and model, so he plans to keep doing these excellent jobs. He’s always busy working on new projects.

He might be filming a new TV show or movie or writing a new song to share with his fans. He also enjoys modeling and might be preparing for a recent photoshoot.

Sometimes, he shares sneak peeks of his projects on Instagram. But it’s all a surprise! We can’t wait to see what he’ll do next. It’s like waiting for a birthday present. Exciting.

Odiseas Georgiadis Hobbies

  • **Music**: Did you know that Odiseas is a great singer and songwriter? He loves making music. Sometimes, he shares songs he wrote on Instagram. This is a big hobby of his!
  • **Acting Games**: Odiseas has always loved acting. As a kid, he loved playing make-believe games where he could pretend to be different characters. This is probably why he’s such a good actor now.
  • **Sports**: Odiseas is very active and loves playing sports. Can you guess which ones? Maybe he loves basketball because he is so tall!
  • **Reading**: Odiseas loves to read.Books can take you to different worlds and teach you new things. He reads a lot to learn about his acting roles.
  • **Hanging Out With Friends and Family**: Even though he’s a busy actor, Odiseas still loves spending time with his family and friends. They do fun things together, like going to the park, playing games, or just chatting about their day.
  • **Traveling**: Odiseas was born in Ghana and grew up in New York. He probably loves to travel and see new places. One day you will see him in your city! Isn’t it cool to learn about Odiseas’s hobbies? You may have some in common!

Odiseas Georgiadis Favrioute’s things

  • **Color**: Do you have a favorite color? Well, Odiseas’s favorite color is blue! It reminds him of the sky and the sea. So cool, right?
  • **Food**: Do you like to eat yummy foods? Well, Odiseas’s favorite food is pizza! He loves the cheesy, saucy, and crispy taste. Mmm, delicious!
  • **Song**: Odiseas is a singer, so he has a favorite song. His favorite song is “Ain’t No Sunshine” by Bill Withers. He probably sings it in the shower!
  • **Movie**: Can you guess his favorite movie? It’s “The Lion King”! It reminds him of Africa, where he was born.
  • **Sport**: Odiseas is a tall guy. So, his favorite sport is basketball. He probably makes lots of baskets!
  • **Book**: Remember, Odiseas loves to read. His favorite book is “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein. It’s a beautiful and touching story. Isn’t it fun to know about Odiseas’s favorite things? Now, you can tell your friends all about it!

Interesting facts about Odiseas Georgiadis

  • Did you know that Odiseas Georgiadis’s full name is Odysseus Gregory Georgiadis? Wow, that’s a mouthful. Before his big break on “Trinkets,” Odiseas also acted in a movie called “Dr. Bird’s Advice for Sad Poets”!
  • He loves getting into different characters. He loves music and even plays the guitar! Can you play any musical instruments? Even though he was born in Ghana, Odiseas speaks perfect English.
  • That’s because he grew up in Brooklyn, New York. Not only is he good at acting, but he also loves to write. He has written some of the songs he sings! You can try writing a song, too! Odiseas is super tall, just like a basketball player.
  • It must be fun to be so tall, right? He has an excellent Instagram account that shares pictures and videos with his fans. You can see him singing, acting, and just being himself.
  • He loves his family very much, and they always support him. Love and support from family are essential, aren’t they? Just like you, Odiseas also has hobbies!
  • He loves reading, playing sports, and hanging out with friends and family. Isn’t it cool that he loves doing regular things like us?


Do you have some questions about Odiseas Georgiadis?

You’re in the right place!

How old is Odiseas Georgiadis?

He was born on September 21, 1996. So you can count how old he is now.

Where was he born?

He was born in a place called Ghana. But he grew up in Brooklyn, New York.

What does he do?

Odiseas is an actor, singer, songwriter, and model. He’s good at all these things!

What show is he on?

He plays a character named Noah Simos on a Netflix show called “Trinkets.”

Is he married?

No, he’s not married. Right now, he’s very busy with his work and dreams.

Does he have any children?

No, Odiseas doesn’t have any children yet. Remember, asking questions if you’re curious about something is always good. That’s how we learn new things!


So there you have it, friends! We’ve learned about Odiseas Georgiadis, the incredible actor, singer, songwriter, and model. Isn’t he amazing? He was born in Ghana but grew up in Brooklyn, New York.

Even though he’s a big star now, he used to be a regular kid, just like you and me. He loves to act in TV shows and movies, make up excellent songs, and take stylish photos. One of the most incredible things he’s done is play Noah Simos in a TV show called “Trinkets.”

It’s always fun to learn about our favorite stars. Remember, just like Odiseas, you can be whatever you want to be when growing up. So keep dreaming big and working hard. Who knows, you might be the next big star!


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